Here are some photos, all captioned. Unless noted, these are all property of me. When I took these, I was granted permission. I no longer have permission and neither does anyone else. There is constant security and trespassers will now be fined $300. Please don’t vandalize either. If you click on each image, a higher resolution image will appear.

Green House with small pond in front

Photo Property of Mr. Van Horn, Green House 1926

Huge ash tree

Stand for the sundial which was stolen

Steps leading to the sunken gardens

Sunken gardens, was once a barn

Photo Property of Mr. Van Horn, Sunken Gardens 1926

Photo Property of Mr. Van Horn, Sunken Gardens 1941

Photo Property of Mr. Van Horn, Sunken Gardens 1940

Old barn door with curved brick arch

Maintenance barn

Photo Property of Mr. Van Horn, Barn 1940

Arch around cottage window

These round attic windows actually open

Watson Cottage

Watson cottage window, absolutely amazing

Photo Property of Mr. Van Horn, Campbell Cottage 1940

Check out this amazing chimney work on one of the cottages

Lucrettia Mott Cottage. Notice the different windows

Lucrettia Mott

Lucrettia Mott




Photo Property of Mr. Van Horn, Lucrettia Mott 1910

Sycamore Tree


Big Oak Tree

Big Oak Tree

Lincoln Cottage with water tower in background

Big oak tree

Big “booby” beach tree

Brick work on John Sargent building porch

SF for Sleighton Farms

Nice skyline

pine tree line

This is spectacular

Spade shutter

Old windows, this house dates back to late 1700s

Old key lock

Old door

Nice cabinets

Notice the curved plaster


Old rafters

Solid basement door

Curved ceiling in staircase

Deep window

Curved stairwell



Spade Shutter

Playground equipment

Barn converted to house, dates back to early 1800s

Little house and huge 200 year old sycamore tree

Another big sycamore

Old barn door


Look at these wide open views!


Check out this chimney

Never knew these were purple

Pine tree lined driveway

Pine tree lined driveway

Old tree stump

Playground equipment

Little house garden

Farm Field

Look at these clowds

Sycamore under the sun

Another view

Clouds captured in pic

Shelf built into wall

Curved plaster up stairs

Shelf built into wall

Deep window


Little house

Photo Property of MR. Van Horn, Little house 1941

Huge sycamore behind

Little House

Big Sycamore

Look at this

Another view

Me in front of huge sycamore. My wing span is 6 feet

Photo Property of MR. Van Horn, Old farmhouse 1926

Cherry Tree

Fire Hydrant

Sun though the trees

Robinson Cottage

Dubois-Miller Cottage

Dubois-Miller Cottage porch

Dubois-Miller Cottage window

Lincoln Cottage

Harrison Cottage

Robinson Cottage from a distance, these buildings just “glow”

Lincoln Cottage

Tree branch, you will only see this stuff at Sleighton

Evans House

Big Tree by John Sergeant Building

Lincoln Cottage

Huge Oak by Dubois-Miller Cottage. Notice size comparison to person

Huge Oak

Watson Cottage

Lincoln Cottage

Robinson Cottage, notice window in chimney

Nice Trees

Watson Cottage. Look at tree in background

Watson Cottage

Nice Tree



View towards John Sergeant Building

Big Oak

Dubois-Miller Cottage and Oak

View from John Sergeant building

Maple near Lincoln Cottage

Tree Lined Drive

Behind Watson

Campbell Back

Campbell Front

Campbell Front

Nice Sugar Maple

Watson from distance




Sugar Maples

Robinson Cottage

Tree Lined Drive

Tree Lined Drive

Remaining part of Martha P. Falconer Educational Center

John Sargent Building

Greenhouse Entrance
John Lynn Submitted Photos and Documents
Here are some photos, all captioned. If click on the images, they will appear in higher resolution. These are all taken from around the Mid 70s. These photos and documents were given to me by John Lynn, who was an instructor at Sleighton in the mid to late 70s. Mr. John Lynn taught various courses, including Photography, Driver’s Ed, and Auto-mechanics.

Mr. John Lynn Teaching
Image Courtesy of John Lynn

Girl in Drivers Ed Class
Image Courtesy of John Lynn

Students Walking
Image Courtesy of John Lynn

Students in Front of John Sargent Building
Image Courtesy of John Lynn

Gymnastics, Most Likely in Old Gym
Image Courtesy of John Lynn

Image Courtesy of John Lynn

Image Courtesy of John Lynn

Girl in Front of Glen Mills Dam
Image Courtesy of John Lynn

Playground in Front of “Lucky Shop”
Image Courtesy of John Lynn

Basketball Team in Old Gym
Image Courtesy of John Lynn

Misc. Images
Image Courtesy of John Lynn

“Village Street Beat” PG. 1
Image Courtesy of John Lynn

Pg. 2

Pg. 3

Pg. 4

Pg. 5

Another “Village Street Beat”
Image Courtesy of John Lynn

Pg. 2

Image Courtesy of John Lynn

Student Handbook
Image Courtesy of John Lynn

Successful Drivers Ed Card
Image Courtesy of John Lynn

Stokes Barn Off of Forge Rd.
Image Courtesy of John Lynn

Glen Mills Dam Image Courtesy of John Lynn

John Lynn and His 450 Honda
Image Courtesy of John Lynn

Driver’s Ed
Image Courtesy of John Lynn

Ford Falcon from Auto Mechanics Class
Image Courtesy of John Lynn

Image Courtesy of John Lynn

Students, Possibly From Driver’s Ed
Image Courtesy of John Lynn

Donated Car
Image Courtesy of John Lynn

John Lynn in Photo Lab
Image Courtesy of John Lynn

John Lynn in Photo Lab